Kerry and James
As Kerry got ready on the morning of her wedding day her excitement took over when she was finally dressed, she could not contain her excitement and happiness (which was so moving to see). She said that on the drive to the ceremony she was still worried something would stop them from being married but finally these two tied the knot at the beautiful Radnor Rooms in Bristol. We had a great reception and beautiful speeches followed by a lively walk around Bristol where crowds cheered and clapped the newlyweds; they even had a little dance in the street to a live band which was epic! We headed back to their home and continue the celebrations in the back garden with their loved ones and finished the day with a beautiful sunset walk in the local park and watched as hot air balloons fill the sky!
I am just loving these smaller weddings and how everyone is making up their own rules; Kerry and James show us that no matter what, its being with your loved ones that matter most.